Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Proper Car Maintenance is Important for All Cars

Drivers take good care of the outside of their car by washing, waxing and detailing it to make it look good, but they also need to consider taking care of what’s under the hood and the tires that make helps move it from point A to point B. Whether your car is brand new or one that you have driven for many years, your vehicle still requires proper care and maintenance to keep it running properly. There are several things that you can do, and if you are need of help, your local Bruneel Tire Factory can assist you with questions, oil changes as well as any other types of maintenance.

A car needs routine oil changes as recommended by the manufacturer to keep it running smoothly, but you should also check oil levels in between changes as well. If the oil levels are low or it is black, this can be a sign of a problem with the engine. Engine oil should have a yellow, clear tone, as this is the sign of a healthy, well-maintained engine. Checking the coolant periodically is also recommended, it too, should be clear. The coolant may be red or green, but you should be able to see through it. It should not be thick. There are several Bruneel Tire Factory locations in Boise that can help by checking fluids as well as tire pressure.

Tire maintenance is another important aspect in keeping a car running smoothly. Some tire maintenance you can do on your own, but other more intensive tire maintenance requires a professional. You can check the tire pressure once a month and check the tires periodically for signs of damage and check the tread, using the penny method, which is sticking penny in the groove of the tread and see if it obstructs Lincoln’s head. However, any vibrations, wobbling or alignment issues require the assistance of a professional.

Proper maintenance is essential for all cars, no matter the age. A car will last longer, give you better fuel efficiency and many years of safe driving if you periodically check the engine and tires to make sure everything is as it should be. However, if there are ever any problems or you have any questions it is best to leave the major problems and repairs to the professional mechanics at Bruneel Tire Factory. With proper care, your car will more reliable and safer for you and your family.