Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Winter Driving – The Icy Roads Are Coming

Winter is upon us, and you know what that means—icy roads, slippery conditions, and even resorting to crossing your fingers in hopes that your car starts. If your car isn't ready for this, you're going to be in for a rough winter season. Bruneel Tire Factory can help you get ready for the winter. The ice can be tough to generate traction on, and if you don't have the right tires and have to make a quick stop or a sharp turn, your car could spin out of control unpredictably and possible cause an accident. Older tires may not have the grip they once did, but we've got the tires you need to keep your car on the road. It might be worth it to get new tires before the winter season gets here in full force.

In addition to tires with better traction, Bruneel Tire Factory in Boise also has a great selection of car batteries in stock. In fact, right now we're offering free battery checks and $5 off any battery purchased. We know how important batteries are when the temperature drops, and no one wants to be stranded in freezing temperatures with a car that won't start. Getting your battery checked is one of those things that people tend to put off, until they go outside in the middle of January and the car won't turn over. Preventive maintenance goes a long way to keeping your car on the road in the winter.

Routine maintenance like oil changes shouldn't be neglected either. It actually is in your best interest to get minor maintenance like that done now, before the snow hits. When it gets cold outside, people are more apt to stay indoors as much as possible, and who wants to head out to get an oil change. Bruneel Tire Factory performs oil changes too, so while you're here getting the tires you need for your car, get the oil change you've probably been putting off for a while. Doing it now means that you won't be scheduled for another one until the spring.

So, what are you doing to get your car ready for the winter? If you've already taken the steps to get tires that grip and batteries that last, you're in really good shape. A pre-winter oil change is another good thing to do. To everyone else who may think they'll be able to tough it out, you don't have to risk it! Bruneel Tire Factory can get your car in the best shape possible for the winter. Not only do we have the best tire selection in the area, but we're also offering free battery checks and $5 off battery purchases. Stay on the road this winter with the help of Bruneel Tire Factory!